Free download vintage story game steam
Free download vintage story game steam

One million square kilometers of procedurally generated landscapesĮnter a vast open world populated by a range of cute, strange, dangerous, and horrifying creatures. During your journey you will encounter wayward creatures, find old stories, battle temporal instability, and endure temporal storms. There is no linear storytelling it is up to you to piece together who you are and what has happened from the little evidence that remains. Take on the role of a lost being in the body of a tall blue creature and discover the remnants of civilization. Live through the four seasons and advance further by smelting copper for more powerful tools, creating bronze alloys, learning to work iron, mechanize common tasks and ultimately reach the steel age.Ī wicked universe backed by original story elements Start out empty-handed in the stone age and learn to survive by foraging, hunting, crafting, and fighting. We built our own mod database, modelling and animation tools and made them open source.

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Half of the game is under a readable source license. Built from the ground up with modding in mind - we use our own mod api to add new game content. You can customize your game experience in infinite ways. You can get in direct contact with the developers of the game. Multiplayer anti-grief mechanics out of the box. Come visit us on the official forum, Discord chat server, wiki and mod database. We pay careful attention to foster a friendly and supportive community. This allows us to tailor the engine exactly to our needs while still keeping hardware requirements low.

free download vintage story game steam

Vintage Story is powered by our own cross-platform game engine.

Free download vintage story game steam